Our extensive range of 5, 4 & 3 Axis precision CNC machine tools, located in our milling facility is one of the most advanced, efficient and agile in the UK, with off-line programming and manufacturing simulation undertaken by highly skilled, competent time served engineers in our CAM programming suites.
We are proud to have become the preferred production partner of choice for many globally recognised companies, delivering both prototype and volume production parts.
Our agility comes from being able to draw upon a large number of 3, 4 and full 5 axis simultaneous CNC milling machines, designed to produce either short, medium or long batch runs of a range of component types, complexities and in a wide array of materials.
Cambridge Precision utilise IP generated in-house for the manufacture of delicate, precision, thin components where a high degree of flatness across the part is critical. CP utilises bespoke designed vacuum fixtures for extremely thin plate components. Using this leading edge technology developed in-house, the CP ‘Vacuum Fixtures’ save time on job setup and changing between jobs as well as ensuring an extremely flat component.
With over 42 CNC milling centres within our facilities, we offer an industry leading service, not only in terms of value for money, reliable delivery, and additionally quality, traceability, agility on every order, delivering ‘quality through technology’.
We have invested and continue to invest in future proofing all our operations via automation and can offer ‘lights out’ machining by optimising our Cobot manufacturing cell systems, as CP leads on digital manufacturing solutions. Our market-leading multi-axis production hub provides the ability to machine complex shapes in a single set-up, giving greater accuracy, reliability, consistency, and quality throughout a range of batch sizes.